Be you.

Posted by Josh Jamison | Posted on 2:48 PM

Have you ever fell into the comparison trap?
I know I have, plenty of times and I think if we're all honest, we've all been there. Foolishly playing the "grass is greener" game between the person we see in the mirror and the people we see across the room.

I know for myself, there have been times when I have seen things my friends and peers are doing or that they are talented and gifted at and felt like what I have to offer and who I am didn't measure up.
Talk about a crappy feeling.

The sad truth is, too many of us allow that type of attitude and mindset to not only rob us of our joy, but ultimately rob us of our God-given potential.

Paul speaks to this issue in 1 Corinthians 12 when he writes about "One Body- Many Parts".
His paints the picture for us of the human body being made up of many different parts: Feet, ears, eyes, hands, etc.
None of these parts have been created to look the same because they all serve a different purpose, yet without each part, the body ceases to function the way it was designed.

The Body of Christ (the Church) needs each of us to simply be whom God has designed for us to be.
The Church needs you to be YOU!

I find great comfort even in the classic story of David.
In 1 Samuel 17 we find the tale of David and Goliath, but before David took the Battlefeild, King Saul offered for David to use his armor in battle.
As David put on Saul's armor, he found it to be uncomfortable and cumbersome to his movement.

I think the same thing happens to us when we try to put on the appearance of someone else.
We put ourselves into a mold that we were never created to look like and in doing so, we hamper the ability and progress we could be making by simply being ourselves.

Wherever you find yourself at this moment, take great comfort in the fact that God created and designed you just the way He wanted while you were still inside your mothers womb.
Giving you all the gifts, talents and qualities you would need to fulfill the mission he designed for you alone!

My good friend, Pastor Tyler Sollie, passed on a quote to me years ago from Pastor Jude Fouquier of The City Church. He said, "God's anointing is on the real you."

He's not asking you to be someone your not. He isn't asking you to look and function like another part of the body. He isn't even asking you to put on someone else's armor.
He is simply looking for you to be YOU. That is when He will unleash His full anointing on your life.


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